Tuesday, June 01, 2010

The Power of Kneeling

We need the power to live. Even the very finest quality of prejudices are still blocks to power and happiness.

The prejudice that I do not merit God's help and love and support to the fullest degree must go.

The prejudice that I can do anything that can make God have such a bad day that He will not help me must go if I can live.

Because when I need God most, when I've done the thing that disgusts or horrifies me, that's precisely when I cannot reject that idea in myself of power.

So I let myself get down on my knees when I wake and ask whatever runs the universe for help. I need power. And when I go to bed at night I get down on my knees and thank whatever that was for what just happened.

My life is how I demonstrate the spirit to myself, through actions that do so.

- Scott L.

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