Sunday, October 13, 2019

neo-Reichian, Christopher Hyatt, Israel Regardie breath and body work mega-resource:

"...neo-Reichian exercises are probably the most powerful techniques the West has to offer in the realm of meditation-like or yoga-like practices. And, noting is probably one of the most powerful techniques the East has to offer. If I had 6 months to change someone as radically as possible, noting and Reichian therapy would be my goto techniques. If Tony Soprano had went to a Reichian therapist the show would have ended around Season 1."

Reichian Therapy - The Technique, For Home Use, by Jack Willis
The Way to Vibrant Health: A Manual of Bioenergetic Exercises by, Alexander Lowen
Radical Undoing Booklets by Christopher S. Hyatt
Lazy Man's Guide to Relaxation by, Israel Regardie
Core Energetics: Developing the Capacity to Love and Heal, by John C. Pierrakos

Reich's original theories summarized
Relaxation methods summarized

Excellent general resource:
Finding Feeling and Purpose by Michael SamselExcellent for appreciating many of the bodywork schools, especially Reich-influenced
Varieties of Body Psychotherapy by Nick Totton 


- These are instructions for the lower body from Christopher Hyatt.

- Also, here is Margo Anand's classic instructions for masturbation and chakra work.

Tuesday, October 08, 2019

What are "quota rents"? A simple definition for everyone.

If you import a product into your country from another country, but your government only lets you import a small amount of your product, then the price goes up because more people want to buy it than can actually access it. That increased price is called "quota rent".

This explains why the prices of imports go up when you try to limit the number of them.
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